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○ Accurate positioning
○ Prevent collision
○ Suitable for large and small cars and lifting motion
○ Improve security
○ Precise positioning of the load, run according to the preset inching distance (2-100mm), this function is suitable for large and small vehicles and hoisting.
○ This function can achieve precise positioning of the load through preset parameters, and the distance of a single movement can be freely selected between 2 and 100 mm.
○ Once the jog function is activated, move step by step in the triggered direction according to the target distance defined by the jog function.
Smart Options
Heavy-duty industrial robotsEuropean industrial craneEuropean Crane PartsSmart Material Handling Option
Address:No. 132, Ruiyuan Road, Beijing-Tianjin Science and Technology Valley Industrial Park, Wuqing District, Tianjin
Copyright©Hechi Hoisting Machinery (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
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